Yes, we shouldn't enum X11 fonts if freetype/xrender is enabled. I'll submit a patch for this soon.
there's more than that. requesting a fixed pitch font should really return such a font... here's what I get (for the default fixed pitch hard wired to Courier New), widths gottent from GetCharExtent32 and compared to average width Char 1 (!) has wrong width: 10 Char 2 (") has wrong width: 10 Char 4 ($) has wrong width: 12 Char 5 (%) has wrong width: 12 Char 7 (') has wrong width: 10 Char 10 (*) has wrong width: 10 Char 11 (+) has wrong width: 12 Char 14 (.) has wrong width: 10 Char 15 (/) has wrong width: 10 Char 16 (0) has wrong width: 10 Char 17 (1) has wrong width: 10 Char 21 (5) has wrong width: 12 Char 23 (7) has wrong width: 10 Char 24 (8) has wrong width: 10
I tested it on windows 98 & nt2K and their TT fixed font really have a fixed pitch... (this the main reason for current rather strange output in wineconsole) however, the max char width is (at least on the fonts I tested on Windows) he average + 1 (which I don't really understand)
finally, when returing a fixed pitch font, it would be better to set the family to Modern rather than Roman