Dimitrie O. Paun wrote:
Hi folks,
Some of you probably know that we had a wine project at SourceForge for a long time, but not much was done with it. Recently, we decided to transform it into our official download site:
It currently hosts source tarballs, support files, and binary packages for FreeBSD, RedHat, and Slackware. Check it out.
We invite comments, criticism, and/or praise :).
I think we need to define clearly what is going to appear on winehq on one hand, and on SF on the other hand: - which parts/info... are only be hosted on winehq - which parts/info... are only be hosted on SF - which parts/info... are only be hosted on both
since, the revamp of winehq is taking place, it may be worthwile to explain this split a little bit more
I'm also worried about the sort of trouble we had to maintain all RPM/DEB/... available on winehq, so what's going to change (for good) on SF