On 21 March 2017 at 08:55, Francois Gouget fgouget@free.fr wrote:
Ok. The problem is that the 'allow_to' function takes 3 parameters:
a allow b to c
Where we have: a = "A majority of OpenGL implementations" c = "statically partition the set of texture bindings into six separate sets."
Being a security API, all parameters are mandatory but here we are missing b so we don't know who gets this special permission. Kind of bad for a security API you'll agree, and the reason why I tried to figure out what this parameter should be set to.
Maybe a better idea would be to switch to an API made for announcing capabilities: the 'make_it_possible_to' API. Now I think of it, it would probably be a better fit, should be a drop in replacement, and has lower security implications too. So if there is no objection I'll submit something like this:
A majority of OpenGL implementations make it possible to partition the set of texture bindings into six separate sets.
In principle I think that's fine, but note that Józef resolved the ambiguity in 1865352e3f33db85bf533be5694133095fdd964f.