On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 9:32 AM, Austin English austinenglish@gmail.com wrote:
The bugs may be deferred, but if the bugs aren't reported, no one knows to fix them, albeit not likely until after 1.0.
If I recall correctly the criteria for target applications was that they be freely accessible such as a the Office viewers. That and my lack of free time prevented me from working on the bugs that I know to exist with office versions. I view the whole 1.0 process as flawed at this point. IMHO Wine should be able to run some versions of Office out of the box. This is just my personal view. One of the core Wintel Monopoly supporting pillars is Microsoft Office. If Wine does not run some versions even in a somewhat limited manner out of the box, then I view the whole thing as flawed.
Before someone says CrossOver.....Every other free software package even with commercial backing works as expected out of the box even if it requires configuration tweaks. Current it runs none. You download Apache, it runs web pages out of the box, Samba, it can share out of the box, MySQL, databases out of the box. As it stands right now, even with dlloverride changes no version of Office that even sort of half-assed runs out of the box. Your lucky if you can get Winword 2003 to run out of the box after installing Office 2003. The only version that installs without tweaks.
I'll save the rest of my rant for Monday when I have more time.