On Mon, Dec 12, 2005 at 04:44:23PM +0100, David Nolden wrote:
But if it is desired that gethostbyname(own_name) preferrably returns the public IP-Adress, then this code should solve the problem, although maybe a bit more checking should be done which IP-Adress should be chosen as the public one for cases with multiple non-loopback-interfaces.
i dont know if this helps for your problem (i never tried IL2 and PF multiplayer, but i have a similar network problem with NR2003, GPL, LFS,...). this games check the registry for the ip-address and so forth.
i entered some keys described by microsoft[1] to help this games find their "way to the net". maybe your "localhost" problem is only a result from not finding the proper address in the first place (you can find this out by ``WINEDEBUG=+reg ./il2fb.exe''.
@all: AFAIK there where some talk/patch about WINE beeing able to detect/set this settings while starting wineserver in the registry by itself?
[1] http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;120642