In richedit.h CHARFORMAT2[AW] is padded differently on the Windows PSDK depending on whether it is included for a c or c++ source file.
Should the include file be fixed, or does bug for bug compatibility mean that a correct CHARFORMAT2 structure should be declared in a private include file?
I tried compiling the following test program using the PSDK:
/* source code */ #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> #include <richedit.h> int main() { printf("sizeof(CHARFORMAT2W) %d\n", sizeof(CHARFORMAT2W)); printf("FIELD_OFFSET(CHARFORMAT2W, wWeight) %d\n", FIELD_OFFSET(CHARFORMAT2W, wWeight)); printf("FIELD_OFFSET(CHARFORMAT2W, sSpacing) %d\n", FIELD_OFFSET(CHARFORMAT2W, sSpacing)); return 0; } /* end of code */
The compiled c version gives the following output: sizeof(CHARFORMAT2W) 116 FIELD_OFFSET(CHARFORMAT2W, wWeight) 90 FIELD_OFFSET(CHARFORMAT2W, sSpacing) 92
The c++ version gives the following output: sizeof(CHARFORMAT2W) 116 FIELD_OFFSET(CHARFORMAT2W, wWeight) 92 FIELD_OFFSET(CHARFORMAT2W, sSpacing) 94
Those are the only two fields that are affected, so the inconsistency has gone unnoticed until now.
According to the About Rich Edit Controls page ( has used a C++ code base since richedit 2.0, and so all the richedit DLLs should follow the c++ version of CHARFORMAT2 since riched32.dll is just a wrapper around riched20.dll for richedit 1.0 emulation. Wine's include file will compile like the c version, which caused some weird behaviour that I noticed when improving the EM_SETCHARFORMAT tests.