Am 03.06.2010 13:21, schrieb Ismael Barros²:
We have decided to renew our offer of Wine T-shirts, as the current T-shirt has had mostly no success at all, probably because users don't feel identified nor appealed with the design. I'm attaching the pdf with our new proposals (we hope you like them!). We decided to offer the design in black garment, as in our experience it works much better.
We want to be transparent, so I'm attaching also a spreadsheet with our expenses, donations and profits for each model.
We usually collaborate with FOSS events, sending them stuff from our catalogue for its sale on the event. In these cases, we make a double donation: one to the organization of the event (higher, as they are in charge of the sales) and another one to the corresponding FOSS organization for the sold article. You can see the details in the spreadsheet. If you have no objection, we'll send Wine stuff to the event that require it.
Currently, almost all organizations we work with have us linked from their website. This helps boosting the sales, and therefore the donations, so that everybody wins. We would be very glad if we could get a link somewhere at, or alternatively a news item, which for us has the downside of having a limited front-page life-span, but works nonetheless.
We hope you like and approve the design. Suggestions are welcome. When the design is approved, we'll upload it to our website.
Kind regards, Ismael
Hi, i like that one more than the actually available one. Specially the T-Shirt is really cool with the big image on the front. I think i will buy it.