How about giving oprofile a spin ?
It is very good at pinpointing runtime hotspots. I just wanted to give a suggestion on how to get going with profiling right now without the need to wait for wineprofile functionality.
I'm told (and have been persuaded of this), that Wine's internal structures preclue a 'normal' profiler from working properly, hence the need for a Wine specific one.
I know we toyed with adapting gprof to Wine semantics, but decided, in the end, that was too hard and not worth it.
Yup, found it, but looking through the code it seems Mikes initial evaluation (i missed bits and it doesn't work) is accurate. Is Charles around? If so it'd be good to get this patch into WineHQ, more and more bugs these days seem to be along the lines of "wine is too slow". I also have some questions, like what exactly WINE_NO_PROFILE does (it's defined to nothing....)
charles spam hunters should not know to add an at