At 13:31 26.07.2004 +0100, Mike Hearn wrote:
On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 11:04:38 +0200, Fabian Cenedese wrote:
What about a simple GUI-application which would call wine and capture (and maybe parse?) the output? This would be called if a program is started with a shortcut (no console). For the console you can still use the normal wine. Like that the user has at least the ability to see the messages. The content is a different matter.
I think that'd be rather fragile: if the message changes the gui wrapper breaks. Better to not hack around it and just do it in the core
Well, the parsing was just an idea. The main intent for the GUI-app was that the user could at least see something as opposed to the messages vanishing on the non-existent console or the ever popping up error dialogs. The user can use the messages or he can just discard them. And he's not forced to click on thousands of dialogs :) Would that be the most "GUI user friendly" solution? Rewording the errors is no good if the perfect error messages disappear in the system :)
bye Fabi