On 1/13/07, Laurent Vromman laurent@vromman.org wrote:
Can you provide a URL to a page describing the software you're trying to port?
Thanks. I just tried installing it following your instructions (I can read French, but you also have english instructions) and ran into the following problems: 1) I had to install the VB6 runtimes before running your app. 2) Even after installing Libraries.exe, your app claimed that dao350.exe was not installed. Running $ WINEDEBUG=+file ~/wine-git/wine NavigationMAJ.exe > log 2>&1 $ grep FindFirst.*DAO350 log trace:file:FindFirstFileExW L"C:\Program Files\FouFou\Navigation\DAO350.DLL" 0 0x33f060 0 (nil) 0 trace:file:FindFirstFileExW L"c:\windows\DAO350.DLL" 0 0x33f060 0 (nil) 0 trace:file:FindFirstFileExW L"c:\windows\system32\DAO350.DLL" 0 0x33f060 0 (nil) 0 shows that your app doesn't search the directory where Librarie.exe installed DAO350.exe, namely Program Files/Common Files/DAO350.dll Could you update your app to fix at least the latter part?
The point is this software needs gdi:widenpath to work.
It's not planned, as far as I know.
Is there a web page where anyone could follow a planning, so that i won't disturb you to much ?
wine-devel is it.
I'll try to produce a patch if my skills allow me too and if I find enough time to do it.
Great! - Dan