WoW Has a all chain of checks that go up all the way to rootkit reveler to make sure the user is not aided by an automatic system, Given the player an advantage other players do not have. The Memory layout checks is for making sure the program is not loaded by a Debugger of sorts. Or that core Dll(s) where not replaced/hooked/emulated.
Yes, it could be the Warden, but I doubt it. If the Warden is triggered you get banned from the game yet this bug surfaces not as spurious bannings but some kind of mouse control/targetting problem. To be honest I'm amazed we haven't seen any reports of Wine triggering anti-cheat systems like Blizzards before, and I'm sure we'd hear about it if it did ....
It is possible that approaching Blizzard might be helpful. Is WoW supported by Cedega?
Yes, using a slightly more generic version of the same memory layout hack.
thanks -mike