On December 11, 2002 08:13 am, Martin Wilck wrote:
wouldn't it be nice to have winemaker-generated sources automatically add "-fshort-wchar" to the C compiler options?
I personally don't understand why we even bother with other options. The -fshort-wchar is the only correct fix to the problem, and just by enumerating the other hacks we just confuse the issue.
Who is crazy enough to use the other hacks where there is such a simple (and correct) fix available? This option is probably supported nowadays by most gcc installations, and for the 1 in 1000 that doesn't want to use it (for whatever reason), they will bring it up on wine-devel and they'll get an answer. No point in cluttering the documentation (Winelib User's Guide), the scripts (winemaker), etc. with them.