Nick Law wrote:
Hartmut Figge wrote:
Nick Law:
Further info on the missing text in the build in notepad.exe app.
By selecting a different font via the [edit][fonts] menu option in notepad, TrueType fonts appear to work ok, the fonts that are not visible are ...
System Courier MS Sans Serif Small fonts
I have no such problems on Debian/Sid with a self compiled wine 0.9.35.
Thanks, maybe it's my system fonts then. I'll look a little deeper into it and also try running notepad on another Suse system.
It only seems to be the fonts with the extension .fon that don't display. Also the 'system' font in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE][Software]Microsoft][Windows][CurrentVersion][Fonts] has no value set.
I'm not sure if wine looks here or elsewhere but changing it does not seem to do anything even if I change it to arial.ttf.