After my last patch that fixed a stack-trasher was committed, the Kazaa Lite configuration wizard, KLConfigWizard.exe, can successfuly run to completion, but the user better not press the 'Back' button whilst running through the wizard, because he won't see anything anymore. So the problem is, if the user presses the back button on the wizard, any text or images etc that were originally on that frame of the wizard are now gone and cannot be seen. I have a couple of screenshots to show what im talking about. Take a look at [1]. This is what the user should see when he runs the program initially. You'll notice in [2] that the left hand side of the window does not show what should be shown as seen in [1]. After clicking 'Next' we're presented with [3]. This frame actually is complete (except for a weird ?font spacing? problem at the bottom), but when we press the 'Back' button to go back to the first frame, we have [4]. The entire window is now missing, and that is what happens on all of the windows when you try to go back to them. I've tried to examine the relay traces to see what could be happening, but I just dont know what im supposed to be looking for with this error. It seems to me to be a clipping problem, but that might not be it either. If you have any ideas about this, please let me know, because I'm sure this isnt the only program affected by this bug.
[1] http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/jhawkins/klite-actual.jpg [2] http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/jhawkins/klite-1.jpg [3] http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/jhawkins/klite-2.jpg [4] http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/jhawkins/klite-3.jpg