"Jürgen Leibner" juergen.leibner@t-online.de schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:cbhj09$kct$1@sea.gmane.org... Hi there,
i'm trying to install a Software for Schools using wine-20040505-SuSELinux90.i586.rpm.
Now, after updating to wine-20040615-SuSELinux90.i586.rpm, the Error doesn't apear anymore! The setup.exe does its job correct. After this the MS-Installer is invoked to do the rest of the job with an msi-file. He crashes at once. So i think i have to contact the programmer of the software to ask him what the installer wants to do at crashtime. For this i will dump the windump output to explain the point of crashing.
Thanks to all, Jürgen