Ive got a small (can be transported on floppy disk) program that has a major and drastic result effect when run on a "pure" Wine only installation against both Xfree86 4.4.0 + Xorg 6.7.0,
"Oh My Goddess - Smash The Bugs" ... I am curious as to anyone else Acquiring and testing this program against another installation.
Im honestly not sure whether it is specifically my own setup or some interaction problem as it does a full X system deadlock and I have no response even when attempting to ssh into my own linux system
I no longer have an active second machine to SSH from.
I would like to confirm whether X alone or whether there is a full kernel level runtime deadlock occuring
P.S. have to thank the person who gave such an eloquient reason to ignore trying to debug/test/ find those sections of the Wine "DirectX" implimentation needing work... since I wasn't interested in using the Windows release "DirectX" components for anything more than a compatability test suite to start with... Anyone else wanting to jump in feet first without asking questions?
Thanks in advance, Jeremy Sutherland