On Thu, Dec 27, 2001 at 07:38:24AM -0800, Andriy Palamarchuk wrote:
Because of the goals I'm more inclined to use C-based test suite. IMHO it is better suited for existing Wine developers audience and will provide us much bigger code pool. I'm even ready to have tests in both - Perl and C.
Yes, IMHO we really need a C based test. After all in order to leverage the Windows developer group`s skills, we probably really shouldn't ask them to code it up in perl...
The best way IMHO would be to try to make C and perl based test output compatible. That way people familiar with perl coding could code it in perl, and other people would have choice ;)
Hmm, wait. Also creating perl based tests would mean that you need to have perl installed on Windows, too. Maybe that is too much of a disadvantage...
The big question is a tool to test GUI. I did not find any OS Windows GUI testing frameworks :-(
I don`t think we should even bother right now. Many windows functions are not GUI based, and those who are could at least get tested against their functional behaviour.