On Wed, 3 Sep 2003, Ferenc Wagner wrote:
That sounds nice, but I have got the feeling that it is not only Wine's fault that the tests do not compile. MinGW also has its problems, and although new versions are definitely better, they are arguably not perfect (dsound misses some uuid features, urlmon not present). Their import libraries will probably be good enough for us one day, but it is not our desk. Or did I misunderstand something?
No, you don't. But things are not that bad -- as you say, we can use MSVC until MinGW gets fixed. And when that happens, we need not wait for wide adotion, since it's only the builder of winetests.exe that needs to upgrade.
I think we've beaten this poor horse to death. :) Let's get the basic stuff in, we can worry about details like this a little later...