as of today there's a new winetest executable available at the usual place:
There is however an issue with the generated reports. It looks like this is introduced when the 'skip' thingy was added to the test infrastructure. I'm currently going through the perl scripts but have no fix yet. Most likely we have to patch the 'dissect' script at line 158:
} elsif (s/^($test: (\d+) tests executed, (\d+) marked as todo, (\d+) failures?.)\r?$/$1/) {
The previous lines were like:
advapi32:crypt start dlls/advapi32/tests/crypt.c 1.31 crypt: 69 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures. advapi32:crypt done (0)
now it's:
advapi32:crypt start dlls/advapi32/tests/crypt.c 1.31 crypt: 69 tests executed (0 marked as todo, 0 failures), 0 skipped. advapi32:crypt done (0)