OK, Due to the recent interest in Greenville, and the fact that enough time has passed that my original rage/disgust/contempt at freetype has faded, I decided to grab a recent Cygwin port of FontForge, and take a spin.
FontForge is able to import the compiled glyphsets I produce with Fontlab(the expensive font tool) pretty neatly, and also seems to have fairly nice support for SBITs in outputted OTF and TTF files.
This means I should be able (with hard work) to convert Greenville into a FontForge project file. However, the generated font will contain bitmaps of the glyphs for PPeM ranges 7-13, as the Type-1 hinting mechanisms inside FontForge are insufficient to cleanly hint the outlines for small point sizes. This will make the font files generated a tad bit 'large'.
I will combat this as much as possible by using glyph composites as much as possible. (Basically aliasing to existant glyph outlines with new placement data- This not only improves consistancy of glyph shape, but also reduces the size of the outline glyphset. EG, one can make an "ΓΌ" by using the oderesis (The double dot accent) and the "u", and combining aliases of them into a new glyph. The same oderesis glyph can be used on any such accented glyph, and prevents it having to be drawn over and over again, reducing glyphset complexity, and thus filesize. So, pretty much all of Latin-A and Latin-B can be generated using a small set of diacriticals, and Latin-1, if you know what you are doing. :P It's like getting Latin-A and Latin-B for free.)
I am comforted to read that FontForge's developer is also "unsatisfied" with the lack of 'quality' truetype instruction generation, and hope that he is able to someday include a real truetype hinter. In the meantime though, SBITs will have to do. (sigh)
I still perfer FontLab for my typesetting needs, as it is more responsive on my host platform, and has better Unicode character reordering support (It understands the **FULL** Unicode range.), and a number of other features which I have grown fond of.
However, the time I have available to work on it is very limited. I have to be available to assist students all day on Mondays and Wednesdays, and I take classes myself on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. This means that Fridays and Sundays are the only days I have available, and that time is difficult to budget.
To try and improve my functional time on this hobby project, I need to get my laptop's battery serviced (as it is an old clunker, but still able to run both FontLab and FontForge+Cygwin) so I can work on it on my downtime at the NIAR building (which admittedly can be several hours a day. In fact, I am idling right now...), which will cost me around 90$. This will have to wait until my next bi-weekly pay deposit, as my disposable income is near 0$ right now, as a result of yet another tuition rate hike. (The university must think I am litterally made out of money....)
I just wish there was a win32 native port of Fontforge, but I wont hold my breath. (I really, REALLY REALLY hate cygwin.)
I will have to begin re-examining the glyphs that the windows rasterizer returns for Tahoma at various point sizes in order to formulate suitable SBITs, but that will have to wait until after I have completed the glyphset to a degree that I consider at least serviceable.
What unicode ranges, and or- codepages, would the WINEHQ community require of a Tahoma replacement?
Ideally it would be all of them that MS Tahoma currently supports, but that would require me to draw characters that I have no functional knowledge of-- EG, Arabic, Cyrillic, Greek, and Hebrew characters. Arabic is the one that has me a bit worried, as if done wrong, the ligature substitution will be wonk, and I dont have the functional knowledge of how the language even works to produce such ligature substitution to begin with. Simmilar problem with Hebrew, but fewer glyphs to draw.
I am currently shooting to have a full Latin-1, Latin-A, and Latin-B + Greek + Cyrillic glyphset before I start working on FontForge porting, and SBIT generation. I allready have Latin-1 and Latin-A complete (at least the glyphs that Tahoma supports), and am about 75% through Latin-B. I havent really touched Greek or Cyrillic yet. When completed though, it should support the US, Canada, and pretty much all of Europe.
CJK ligatures, Arabic Ligatures, and Hebrew Ligatures would need to be done by people who are familiar with those glyphs, know what they mean, and how they are "Supposed" to look, as I consider myself unqualified to do them properly. I hope to have Greenville mostly functional (In North America and Europe) by that time, and to drop the fontforge project into WINEHQ custody, and see how it grows from there.
Feedback would be greatly appreciated.
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