with one of the last patches from the cvs the game Nascar 2002 now recognizes the d3d rasterizer in the config tool. The patch below adds three more handlers for the D3DRENDERSTATE. As d3d seems to me pretty undocumented i can only try to find things out using goolgle and see the example code there - a link to doku would be really appreciated.
For the documentation, do a Google search on the .CHM files from the various DirectX SDKs (as the relevant documentations are not to be found anymore on MSDN's site, only DX8 / 9 is still there).
Im not sure if your refering to the online documentation (if you are then your right), but at least the dx7a sdk is still availible from: http://download.microsoft.com/download/win98SE/DXSDK/7.0a/W9X/EN-US/dx7adxf....