Brad DeMorrow wrote:
James Liggett wrote:
Brad, Last night Martin Fuchs suggested that we look into using ReactOS's registry format in order to be compatible with Windows registry databases.
I'm really not convinced that we need to be compatible with Windows' registry file format at that level. . . That would only benefit applications that don't use the Win32API to access the registry - and as far as I know, Windows doesn't allow you to access the registry like that, so there shouldn't be any applications that would benefit from that. . .
How about an application that carries a binary registry hive around, and uses "LoadHive" to merge it (temporarily) into the registry?
How about deploying Wine in such a way that it uses the existing user profile, user.dat and all? User.dat is a registry file, that goes through load hive.
The way I see the ultimate outcome, Wine should have "Registry providers". These would allow it to use several different registry back ends. The default one would probably be the one used today, but this way we could plug in an SQL back end if needed, as well as a Windows compatible one, if needed.
Comments welcome.
I suppose one benefit of this would be the ability to copy the registry from an actual windows drive to Wine. . . - but I think using a helper application for that would probably take care of that, and I'm still convinced that we shouldn't try to use the actual windows registry format.
But what about actually using said registry, including modifying it?