On Sat, 7 Mar 2009 20:10:13 +0000 David Gerard dgerard@gmail.com wrote:
Yep. That's why a wiki is nice. If you open it up to everyone to contribute, you'll get bad stuff but you'll get good stuff you just wouldn't get otherwise. It's a great format to capture that.
We would use the same system for edit rights that we use now. Make appDB account then ask to be a maintainer then you can edit the wiki page for that app. The wiki is only for application notes. Anyone can read the wiki history.
Pro: The only thing the wiki will do thats new is we will have a history on the maintainers notes.
Con: It would be very hard to set up.
I'm cc'ing this to wine-users - since I'd need to make a case for the wiki to developers, but it's actually *for* the users. Users: what's right and wrong with the AppDB? How useful is it for you? What would make it better?
Do not cross post or you may up set people with power.