ok, so there isn't a wine specific way to do that. A separate 'wine' user is indeed a simple solution to avoid messing with my normal user-account files, but I still need to prevent it from accessing certain resources. Time to learn SELinux I guess :)
Marcus Meissner wrote:
On Thu, Jul 05, 2007 at 03:03:27PM +0100, Ioannis Nousias wrote:
Hello wine developers,
I'm running Wine on Linux. Is there a way to restrict wine from accessing some folders and/or resources? Ideally have Wine restraint in its WINEPREFIX directory and configure what resources it could access (like network for instance).
I've seen few talks on having a 'sandbox' that date back to 2002 and most conclusions suggest that access restrictions should be made on the host OS. If that's the case, any tips on how one could do that in Linux would be appreciated.
AppArmor, SELinux.
Or use a seperate "Wine" user and use ssh -X wineuser@localhost (but this one could break out of it too).
Ciao, Marcus