On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 10:27 AM, Austin English austinenglish@gmail.com wrote:
Howdy all,
I've been working on the test suite. I've got a few basic tests set up with notepad, and I'm currently working on setting up the framework, using AutoHotKey to both run all the tests and parse the logs for failures/passing todo's.
For those interested, here's the first 'real' script I've written. It sets up a test directory (C:\appinstall), downloads sha1sum.exe (if it doesn't exist), verifies its own sha1sum, downloads winscp.exe (portable version), sets up winscp.ini with its settings (I was going to use keyboard/mouse control, but ftp.winehq.org times out to quickly, and adjusting that setting with mouse/keyboard would be a lot more trouble), runs winscp, downloads welcome.msg, closes winscp, sha1sum's welcome.msg, and finally, deletes welcome.msg and winscp.ini.
This should probably be done in a temporary directory instead of hard-coded to C:\appinstall.
It already found one bug :-): http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18455. On windows, when selecting the file to download, winscp pops up a dialog to allow you to put in an alternate path to save the file. On windows, it's already selected, so one can simply type a different path. On Wine, it's not selected, breaking the script. It's an easy work around (sending {HOME}, followed by {SHIFT}{END}), it's interesting that the script allows us to find such subtle bugs.
Good catch! Hopefully the scripts will find many more bugs like this, as well as keep Wine from regressing.