On Thu, Apr 01, 2021 at 04:07:00PM +0300, Gabriel Ivăncescu wrote:
On 01/04/2021 10:52, Huw Davies wrote:
On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 03:35:58PM +0300, Gabriel Ivăncescu wrote:
Did you consider using a lazy initialization of the lookup table instead?
Lazy initialization meaning build it as we scan the image? That would work too.
Yes, build the lookup using rgb_to_pixel_colortable() as needed.
I also thought of caching the color tables globally.
Now I don't know if that's acceptable, but here's my idea since it's what is good in "practice":
Hold a small fixed size global cache (4-5 entries) of color tables, with synchronization in case of multi-threading (just for correctness, I doubt any app will actually multi-thread this). If we go the lazy initialization approach, we'll also keep track which of the entries were not filled yet in the cache.
It would be a global table for all color tables, but since I expect all the performance problems to be using the same color table over and over again in a loop, it would work "in practice".
When we have to discard/replace one, we choose the oldest one that wasn't accessed (we keep some timestamp on each cache). Does that sound feasible?
Maybe if I end up using this global cache, I can discard the lazy init since it complicates things, do you think that's better?
Hooking up the global one is going to be more complicated. I suggest you try the (local) lazy init version first.