fixme:font:WineEngRemoveFontResourceEx :stub fixme:font:WineEngRemoveFontResourceEx :stub fixme:msi:MsiEnableLogA 00000516 "c:\windows\temp\Office 2000 Professional Setup (0002)_MsiExec.txt" 00000000 fixme:msi:MsiInstallProductW L"/I" L"" fixme:msi:MSI_OpenDatabaseW open failed r = 80004005! Installation of /I () failed.
Hmm, I thought Vincent fixed that. No worries though, that looks like a very simple bug to solve (just parameter parsing in msiexec).
Is the msi system brocken right now?
Yes, for Office 2000 it clearly is! You can install it anyway by installing native MSI from the Office CD or, or maybe by running the setup program with
WINEDLLOVERRIDES=msi=n wine setup.exe
I also noticed that the common file dialog seems to be returning garbage. Try selecting a file in progman-file-execute-browse for example.
No clue.
thanks -mike