On Sat, 2012-10-20 at 16:04 +0200, Patrick Rudolph wrote:
Am 2012-10-20 14:54, schrieb Eric Pouech:
Le 20/10/2012 12:42, Patrick Rudolph a écrit :
This patch need lots of testing, since I can only test it on linux using an Intel CPU. Please tests on other OS and systems, too. please use the ntdll or kernel32 relevant API so that you don't have to copy the same code
The code was copied from ntdll and modified in order to retrieve processorname and vendorID. There's no similiár functionality in wine.
There is such functionality in WBEM (formerly known as WMI). I think you're looking for Win32_Processor.Name and Win32_Processor.Manufacturer.