We're working to add conformance tests to winsock, and we've currently added a test server that uses select(). Before we post to wine-patches, we'd appreciate any critiques/input.
We ran gcov to see how much of dlls/winsock/socket.c we tested, and found:
Before: 37.14% of 1839 lines executed in file socket.c
After (select() server code): 41.16% of 1839 lines executed in file socket.c
We'd also appreciate other targets to test. Currently we plan to add tests for sendto, recvfrom, and getservbyname.
Thanks for your help,
Thomas Kho
Files available at: http://www.geekymedia.com/viewcvs/cgi/viewcvs.cgi/wine4/wine/dlls/winsock/te...
Changelog: * dlls/winsock/tests/sock.c added select_server() test that uses select() in serving clients