On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 4:13 PM, John Koelndorfer jkoelndorfer@gmail.com wrote:
I've done a little bit of research on Direct3D. Having seen how easy the tutorial at http://www.directxtutorial.com/ is, I think I'd like to propose the following: a 3D benchmarking program that would allow users and developers to determine what aspects of WineD3D are the slowest so that they can be improved.
My high level idea is that a user would be able to set graphics options (similar to a game -- or maybe automatically test many configurations) and a 3D "demo" would run. It would time D3D function calls so that we can get an idea for which functions need optimization, report FPS at points in time, and whatever else makes sense as I learn more about it.
Ideally that would be part of wine's dxdiag.exe. Windows' has 'Test DirectDraw' and 'Test Direct3D' options, which would be useful to do in wine as well.
See also http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14118.