On Tue, 3 Jun 2003 22:57:52 +0200, you wrote:
I see mapping a drive to `/' as `proper' configuration. (i.e. If Wine is meant to integrate apps to the Unix environment, it shold be able to see the full Unix environment.)
Ah, there is where my opinion diverges the most from most of the people here (and why I advocate a lot for the Desktop option).
I do *NOT* want to have my Windows and my Linux stuff to mix together. So I always use Dekstop mode and I have clearly delimited Windows drives for Wine.
Lionel (who wonders if he's the only one in this case :-) )
You are not the only one, not for the desktop (I like the integration) but definitely for the delimited drives.
Doing this for the convenience of day-one wine users, that happen to be first-day linux users as well, that don't read any messages seems to me absurt.
(However, the latest generation of users seem to start their wine experience by point-an-click on an .exe in some filemanager. They won't see the messages sent to stderr. Perhaps we should instead of error message "blabla.exe not accessible from a configured", make this a plain MessageBox() call? )