I have been experimenting with some patchsets for Wine -> based on an implementation of Wine originally developed By Muse Research. It has improved support for a bunch of stuff, fixes (most) bottlenecks for Linux proaudio folks making use of Wine + Jack, and also contains some bug fixes for wine (that may or may not be acceptable to wine-devs.)
I have a project that now lives on SF.net, but has been running for months now, on my machine(s), locally. It's called L-ProAudio, and the version of wine (L_pa-Wine) is geared towards proaudio users. We also have support in 1 linux application ~ which now properly handles the new method of mapping win/prio -> linux/prio. Some of the patchset fixes synchronization issues (with jack), disk geomtery-io-syscl, fixes rendering bugs in VSTs (probably other apps too) and a bunch of other improvements (geared for proaudio users).
L_ProAudio SF.net Page: https://sourceforge.net/projects/l-proaudio/
-> Wine-L_Proaudio_Arch_n_patches.tar.gz contains a pkgbuild for Archlinux (like gentoo' ebuild) + all patches (and probably one or two others, not used in my builds).
But please note: this is NOT a fork of Wine. It is necessary for me to be able to run the applications that i want with Wine. I am just carrying patchwork and re-basing it, as time passes. But i decided to release it - since it benefits the larger community who uses this stuff (greatly).
note 2: I am posting, in order to shed light on any improvements/bug fixes that _might_ be suitable for upstream. ~ If so, once a given stable release of Wine is issued, I would then be able to remove them from my patchset, minimizing duplicate efforts, among other things.
The original patches/sources (that i have based my version on, are found here: http://www.museresearch.com/support/receptor-faq.php
...at the bottom of the page / last link: http://www.museresearch.com/support/receptor-faq.php
these patches fix Wine problems (in most areas) for people using linux(-rt) + jack + ProAudio ... but may have other benefits/bug-fixes for wine. It's Gpl'd (obviously), so it would be worthwhile to have a look anyway. - didn't include every patch (some of them aren't of interest to me, outdated, etc).
Take care