On Wed, May 29, 2002 at 10:28:01AM -0500, Jeremy White wrote:
Warning: Chaos lies ahead this path.
Oh c'mon, we haven't had a good flame war in *ages* <g>.
Every good developer knows that tabs are evil, and that four space indentation is the way and the truth and the light...<grin>
Many, many moons ago someone 'fixed' the copy of vi we were using so that ^D went out a tabstop instead of a shiftwidth! Apparantly he was trying to do 4 char indents by 'set ts=4' and indenting using 'tab' - instead of 'set sw=4' and indenting using ^I :-(
Another company I might have worked for enforces the braindead layout where ALL {} are indented with the code they bracket. Especially annoying because it included those for functions - so [[ and ]] don't work.
(Personally I prefer K&R placement of {} - and have since before I wrote any C.)