"Andrew M. Johnston" johnstonam@logica.com writes:
I assume that you mean that the tracking was not working correctly this was due to the change
if ((info->fMask & SIF_TRACKPOS) && (info->cbSize == sizeof(*info)))
info->nTrackPos = (SCROLL_TrackingWin == WIN_GetFullHandle(hwnd)) ? SCROLL_TrackingVal : infoPtr->curVal;
info->nTrackPos = infoPtr->curVal;
It can be removed by patch 4 but not at this stage.
No the problem I see is that the scrollbar is always disabled no matter how large the notepad text is. I think the bug is that you set ESB_DISABLE_BOTH when SIF_DISABLENOSCROLL is set without taking into account the range of the scrollbar.