On Sun, 20 Nov 2005 17:02:21 +0100, you wrote:
with the latest winetest suite I've noticed the following changes:
- On win98 my taskbar get's twice the size it used to be.
- On win98/winxp the window border is a lot thicker.
- On winxp the icons in my taskbar are a lot bigger. And also the icons
in for example regedit.
Attached patch fixes for me 1 and 3 and I have good hope 2 may be gone as well. Tested on win95,ME,NT4,2k, XP and wine.
Changelog: dlls/user/tests : sysparams.c Make test_SPI_SETBORDER less likely to permanently change visual settings: - use smaller border widths values for testing; - provide a work around for a Windows XP feature that made the tests change the caption width;