Just found, that gcc has "Most frequently reported Bugs": http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/duplicates.cgi
And since we have also bugzilla, i tested http://bugs.winehq.org/duplicates.cgi The Page is present, but not configured to be useful for wine.
The code is in the cvs, but I'm unable to help here (perl). (Browse the cvs: "http://cvs.winehq.org/cvsweb/bugzilla/")
Hmm, in principle one only needs to tweek at http://bugs.winehq.org/editparams.cgi the 'mostfreqthreshold' option.
Running ./checksetup.pl doesn't harm either
The essential task is to fill the duplicates table using the script: http://cvs.winehq.org/cvsweb/bugzilla/collectstats.pl You need to run it using cron.