It seems that during the porting of d3d8 to use wined3d some of there was some breakage. Age of Mythology was working fine, but now all vertex data is totally messed up (2D is menus and stuff is fine). It has been this way in CVS for the past few days, when I first noticed it. I thought it might be my local changes so I didn't report it, but testing with the new 0.9.9 it had the same behavior (i.e. not my fault :)
After debugging things for a while it seems that problem lies in vertex data with RHW set. It seems that AoM is using all pre-lit and pre-transformed vertex data and this is not being processes properly. I think the problem is with drawprim.c:drawStridedSlow() but I haven't been able to figure out exactly where yet. If anyone has any ideas (or patches!) I'd be glad to help debug.
Regards, Aric
Right now d3d8's SetVertexShader is disabled because d3d8 shaders don't work using wined3d yet. Last week I experimented a bit with it and I managed to get some simple vertex shader examples working (for instance and the dolphin sample from sdk although with small issues). If I run bigger apps like 3dmark2001 and others there are huge drawing issues. I'm not very familiar with the shader/drawing code (and vertex shaders in general) so it is very difficult for me to debug. You can try the patch attached to this email but it is far from complete. If you or someone else with enough experience can look at it, you're welcome as my time is limited.
Regards, Roderick