On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 1:57 AM, Seth Shelnutt shelnutt2@gmail.com wrote:
For ati there is also GL_ATI_mem_info [1] or WGL_AMD_gpu_association [2] . I believe that [1] is now obsolete as from reading some of the wine-dev mailing list [3], and some other site it seems AMD is now pushing the using of WGL_AMD_gpu_association instead. A patch could be written in the exact same manor as your nvidia patch for ati. There doesn't appear to be an intel or via extension to get video memory, although it's much less of a problem for those integrated graphics.
The WGL/GLX_AMD_gpu_association extension exports the amount of video memory but the extension itself is more meant to divide the load between multiple (even different) GPUs. The GL_ATI_mem_info extension is fancier and like the Nvidia one it also exports the amount of free video memory. The downside is that older drivers don't support the (undocumented) total amount of video memory.
Looking at the past most Nvidia extensions at some point become ARB extensions or serve as the start of one. I wouldn't be surprised if there would come some EXT/ARB specification. The few GL games out there right now all uses hacks to get this information (WoW for instance uses ddraw when running using OpenGLon Windows, recent ID software games use extensions like NV-CONTROL on Linux).