On 6/16/22 11:22, Gabriel Ivăncescu wrote:
- Work with respective maintainers to plan if/when/how to move other
Wine projects to Gitlab: - tools (done) - website (done) - wine-gecko (done) - wine-mono - wine-staging - vkd3d - appdb - bugzilla - fontforge
For bugzilla I'd rather prefer if it remained because, well, it works without javascript and is simple and lightweight... I don't mind web UIs if they're simple but gitlab overall leaves a lot to be desired.
Yes, I agree. Gitlab's UI in general is pretty awful, and I'd hate to have to use it for bug tracking. And while command line API tools are fine for merge requests, and the same tools can access the bug tracker, they aren't sufficient for reading structured data.
- Retire the gitweb browser, redirect to Gitlab.
As above, is it too much hassle to keep this around? Even if it's just a mirror. I like that it's simple and lightweight and can be browsed easily, gitlab is way too bloated both in design and accessing it, and doesn't work without javascript either.
I have to admit when I first saw the gitlab experiment, I didn't expect a total overhaul like this even for stuff not related to patches, I thought it would be optional.
Just my 2 cents.
Yes, agreed wholeheartedly. Can we please keep this around?