after having contributed a couple patches (more to come im working on getCalenderInfo now) i feel i can say a couple of words.
i have been following the current "discussion" on the license change with avid interest (not to mention a few laughs). just to make sure im not speaking out of a red hat (i compiled my own linux) i downloaded a copy of the licenses in question and compared them side by side.
as everything that i wanted to ask has been discussed on the list with good points from both sides of the fence im not going to go over old ground.
i think that the lgpl license would be a better choice for WINE than the bsd license.
i know that some would disagree and some would agree thats the way the cookie crumbles. but i think that the most important thing is for people to make a decision for themselves and not to try to convince people that dont want to be convinced. its a waste of programming time and cpu cycles (sound familier m$).
Shane Shields