Paul wrote:
"Programs",,"c:\windows\Start Menu\Programs"
Should we hard-code "c:\windows" ?
Apart from that, when I look at my WinXP system the entries are in:
[HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders]
So there is probably more to it.
The patch doesn't match the bug. The bug says changing users.reg fixes it, but this change would affect system.reg. Or, to echo what Paul said, the bug says the change should go in HKCU, but the patch changes HKLM.
This should be set when shell32 is registered. It is for me, anyway. There are two keys, "Shell Folders" and "User Shell Folders". Only "User Shell Folders" affects shell32's behavior, but for backward compatibility it writes what it finds there to "Shell Folders". This is what MS shell32 versions 5 and higher do too (and there's a test case that demonstrates it.)
Anyway, take a look at HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell in both Shell Folders and User Shell Folders. You should see entries for Cache, Cookies, Desktop, Favorites, History, NetHood, Personal, PrintHood, Programs, Recent, SendTo, StartMenu, StartUp, and Templates. If not, reregistering shell32 should fix it.
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