Le 14/03/2012 03:08, Julian Rüger a écrit :
Am Dienstag, den 13.03.2012, 14:51 +0100 schrieb Frédéric Delanoy:
On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 11:52, Christian Costatitan.costa@gmail.com wrote:
This string exists in native devenum and thus is subject to translation so I just have to find why regedit displays it badly when editing the registry. Wine traces functions also but I would it is more normal.
Hmm... odd indeed
I think regedit uses the ANSI codepage for the registry, while the translations are in UTF-8. I experienced this when importing .reg-files in UTF-8 with special characters in them.
The umlauts in the German translation of regedit's GUI however, are displayed correctly. Is your nbsp part of the GUI or a registry-key? I would guess the second.
Yes it's a registry-key. It's a prefix string in resource (which is thus subject to translation). I checked what I did and finally it seems to be displayed correctly in regedit. I think I confused myself. However in trace I get "DirectSound\00a0: default". The "A0" is there but nothing of "C2". Strange.