Il 22/02/22 22:09, Nikolay Sivov ha scritto:
Anyway, since there is no way to test this situation on Windows, at least for file-based sources that I tried, I think we should simply return without producing an event.
The patch is now accepted (thanks for that), but for the sake of the argument: I think that returning success from RequestSample() and never emitting a corresponding event is wrong; this is explicitly said in the docs[1] and it also makes sense: the application needs a way to know whether it still has to wait for an event from the media source or not, so it must be stipulated that an event has to be eventually emitted. In case of error, such event has to be MEError, if the error could not be detected in time for being returned from RequestSample() directly.
[1] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/mfidl/nf-mfidl-imfmediast...