GetClassInfo(NULL, IF_BUTTON_NAME, &WndClass);
WndClass.lpszClassName = IF_BUTTON_NAME; WndClass.hInstance = hInstance; WndClass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject( LTGRAY_BRUSH );
WndClass.cbWndExtra = kIFWNDEXTRA;
IF_BUTTON_PROC = WndClass.lpfnWndProc; WndClass.lpfnWndProc = ButtonWndProcBridge;
return RegisterClass(&WndClass);
where IF_BUTTON_NAME = "button"
"Craig Chandler" craig.chandler@interdynamics.com wrote:
when i use the RegisterClass(&WndClass); under wine the call fails. I'm using it to sub class the button class. Does wine not support this?
As I already wrote in the newsgroup: please provide the source of your code. -- Dmitry.