Shachar Shemesh wrote:
Hi all,
It seems that OutputDebugString is defined in the Win32 API as a set of client side operations. In wine, however, it is a server request.
I have not traced it into the server to see whether they carry out the same operations or not. However, even if they do, I am wondering why we need them? Wouldn't it be better to not do server side things that can be done client side?
P.S. I perfectly understand that obtaining mutexes and waiting on events is a server side operation. However, it was my impression that such things are best carried out by mimicking the Win32 structure as much as possible. Isn't that the case?
Hi I have played with this a bit. Currently, on wine, It is both a client side and a server side. if you do WINEDEBUG+debugstr than the output is sent client side to the regular debug channel. It than, is also sent to the server. If an application like DebugView from SysInternals hooks into the server it can receive these messages, and display them. I used an home made DebugMon that only hooks WIN32 (NT-kernel has it's own hook in kernel) And it worked under wine. I think it did, I didn't play with it much. Any way if it does not, It can easily be fixed. If you want to try and it does not work tell me. I'll try to look up the win32 API that is used for the receiving of the strings by monitors. I have access to code that does that. I'm sure the guys won't mind if I look. It is all public API any way.
Free Life Boaz