Robert Shearman wrote:
what complicates the matter for TLB files is that they contain variable names and comments/help strings that could constitute a copyrightable work.
What if I do not extract comments/help and regenerate variable names, is it than OK.
Therefore, I would suggest that you could use the generated .idl file to write your own .idl file that has the same interface, but would not be considered a copy or derived work. This is similar to what is often done for Platform SDK header files in Wine. Naturally, once you have your own .idl file that is free of copyright restrictions you can do whatever you want with it, including (4 and 5).
Again, Must it be Human made or can I use a program that does all the above automatically? Is there in the law a distinct separation between Human hand made, or machine generated. Given that the output is the same?
Free life Boaz