It is very unusual to have upper-case name of exe file
WriteConsole(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),"Run Wine Extrac32.
\n",strlen("Run Wine Extrac32.\n"),NULL,NULL);
The utility is compiled as UNICODE (EXTRADEFS = -DUNICODE), thus WriteConsoleW is used, but here MultiByte string is passed. As expected, it does not work.
Moreover, if output is redirected to file, it does not work, since WriteConsole can be used only with real console. msvcrt printf is better from this point of view, but it does not suit us, see bug #8598 and bug #8554.
Currenly working solution is implemented in cmd.exe (and msdn recommends this: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms687401.aspx)
-- Kirill