"Pavel Procházka" pavelvonlostice@seznam.cz wrote:
Subject:[2/3] wined3d: IWineGDISwapChainImpl_Present relevant to windows implementation Making multibuffering working well when flip - sequence is W RGB, R GBW, G BWR, B WRG, W RGB. When W = WHITE, R = RED, G = GREEN, B = BLUE. It is doing well for any count of backbuffers - for 1 too.
Please try to make the patch subject short and clear. All additional comments put in the patch body.
- back = (IWineD3DSurfaceImpl *) This->backBuffer[0];
- back = *((IWineD3DSurfaceImpl *)This->backBuffer[0]); /*this value can not be pointer*/
Any reason for the above change and comment?
- /*moving data from backbuffers to left - no pointers!*/
- for(i=0;i<This->presentParms.BackBufferCount-1;i++)
Some spaces wouldn't hurt, and would better match the code you are changing.