All the best, Robert
On Thu, 20 Jun 2019 at 19:55, Andrew Eikum wrote:
On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 09:59:27AM -0500, Rosanne DiMesio wrote:
FYI, openSUSE Leap went to 64-bit only releases several versions ago, but still continues to provide all the 32 bit baselibs needed to build and run Wine. I use it myself without any problems. Unfortunately, based on what the Ubuntu article says, I don't have any confidence that they even understand what Wine needs, let alone plan to provide it.
Yes, I agree. From the FAQ it doesn't seem like they understand Wine's needs.
If they don't, then I have a suggestion for our packages: use the Steam runtime. I see a lot of upsides: They've already solved this problem; we don't need to re-invent this wheel. Ubuntu is already working with them to support the use-case. The project is open-source, well-funded, and has a clear motivation to continue being updated and functional for the long-term. And people are already building and running Wine in the runtime today.
So Valve are officially recommending users don't migrate to Ubuntu 19.04. Since Canonical's solutions seem to all revolve around using 18.04 (in some form) - that's not really viable in the long-term.
Personally I don't really use Debian-based (including Ubuntu) distributions much at all... But I'll probably install MX-Linux (as part of my multi-boot setup) to test if that offers a reasonable alternative for new Linux/Wine users... After all there is probably going to be a flood of new issues being raised, in the autumn, on the WineHQ forums...