Le dim 26/10/2003 à 12:20, Subhobroto Sinha a écrit :
Hello all
This patch has been inlined as well as attached as a ZIP file, so suit yourself.
Compressed patches are not the preferred way. Totally inlined is the preferred way, then plain-text attachment (no quoted-printable stuff). Only if the patch is way too big compress it.
All reports regaring this patch is to be sent to <subhobrotosinha at yahoo.com> with a proper subject prefixed by "IPersistFile patch" in the subject header. Just don't simply hit the 'Reply' button !
Would be easier to reach you...
This patch fixes:
(1) Stream_LoadString: Conflict of unicode strings being taken as LPSTR and AGAIN being converted to Unicode due to wrong value of SCF_UNICODE .(I have really NOT changed the original code, but redirected this call to a fixed function which I named wineStream_LoadString. This should remain so until SCF_UNICODE value is corrected) (2) Stream_LoadLocation: Previously the GetPath() failed. It works great now.
For the uninitiated, here's what has to be done:
They won't be reading wine-devel, no need to repeat patching instructions each time :)
Now IPersistFile::Load() should work as intended. Try out McCormack's 'winemenubuilder' or my WineLib 'linkresolve' (NOT my C++ version)
If the diff is not proper, etc, please alert me at the mentioned address
PS: As I am not a member of 'wine-patches',can the moderator be kind enough... :=)
You can choose to not receive mails from wine-patches while still being subscribed.
@@ -533,6 +574,14 @@ if( FAILED( r ) ) return r; }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- char szTemp[MAX_PATH]={0};
- SHGetPathFromIDListA(This->pPidl,szTemp);
- This->sPath=HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0,(strlen(szTemp)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
- MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,0,szTemp,(strlen(szTemp)+1),This->sPath,(strlen(szTemp)+1));
- //TRACE("%s\n",szTemp);
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Please don't use // style comments. Not all C compilers accept them.